Golang sqlx PostgreSQL Get Last Inserted Row ID

Sometime after inserting a row, we might need to get the id usually for creating referenced table with foreign key of id. We can try to use db.NamedExec or db.Exec to do the operation since it will return a sql.Result interface which have LastInsertId() method inside it. The problem since we are using PostgreSQL with pgx driver, this method is not supported as stated in the documentation: In MySQL, for instance, LastInsertId() will be available on inserts with an auto-increment key, but in PostgreSQL, this information can only be retrieved from a normal row cursor by using the RETURNING clause..

The workaround is to take advantage of RETURNING clause that returns the updated row and combine it with db.GetContext or db.QueryRowx to get the query result, I will use db.GetContext here.

For example, we have a productPayload struct that we are going to insert.

type productPayload struct {
    UID         string                  `db:"uid" json:"uid"`
	Name        string                  `db:"name" json:"name"`
	Slug        string                  `db:"slug" json:"slug"`
	SKU         string                  `db:"sku" json:"sku"`
	Description string                  `db:"description" json:"description"`
	Image       string                  `db:"image" json:"image"`

	CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"`

And here is the full code:

query, args, err := db.BindNamed(`
	INSERT INTO products (uid, name, slug, sku, description, image, created_at, updated_at)
	VALUES (:uid, :name, :slug, :sku, :description, :image, :created_at, :updated_at)
	`, productPayload)
if err != nil {
	return err

var productID int64
err = db.GetContext(ctx, &productID, query, args...)
if err != nil {
	return err

The usage of db.BindNamed is optional, I use it because I want to convert my productPayload struct into slice of positioned arguments, so I don't need to manually pass it to the db.GetContext.

I hope this article is useful for you, if it is please share it with your friends, thank you so much for reading to the end and see you in the next article!